How Does Your Light Perform When On The Trail?

Anytime you’re going to be out at night on the trail you should definitely have some form of lighting with you. Even if you’re not planning on being out at night when on the trail it is still a good idea to have a light with you. I am a big believer of expect the unexpected and even on day hikes I carry a small flashlight with me just in case. The flashlight I carry is very small and can be used in emergencies. If I am planning on spending the night in the woods that I carry a different light with me that happens to be a headlamp. In this article I will be discussing lighting when on the trail.

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Choose The Right Shelter For Your Next Camping Trip

One of the most important things you must have on any camping trip is your shelter. While are many types of shelters you can take with you one thing is for sure, you almost always should take one. Even if you decide to “cowboy camp” it is always good to have a backup plan in case the weather does not cooperate. In this article I will be discussing the many different types of shelter options you have.

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Do You Know The Main Purpose Of Your Sleeping Pad?

There are many people that think the primary purpose of a sleeping pad is to provide cushioning from the hard ground. While this is true, it is actually not the primary purpose of a sleeping pad. A sleeping pad has a much more important job to do while you’re out camping in the wilderness. Continue reading to find out the primary purpose of the sleeping pad along with the differences of each type of sleeping pad.

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Be Comfortable In Your Sleeping Bag

When you are out on the trail how well you sleep at night can be the difference between a good trip and a bad trip. I have been out on many camping trips and missing a good night’s sleep is never a good thing for the next day. One of the biggest tools you have to help you sleep well is your sleeping bag. This article will go over the difference in sleeping bags so that you can choose the right option for you so that you can be comfortable when you sleep.

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